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farish izaryl @izreez

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Bandar Sri Permaisuri, Cheras, Malaysia
@izreez Farish izaryl Love travel!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

|| TaG fRom B bOy ||

~~gegeh lagi ni demam2 dok settlekan tag dak b-boy.. sori ek dekk abe lmbt wat hahakk..mne bubur nye weiii...:p so cekidot

1.How late did you stay up last night and why?
kul 2 pagi kot hajarnye! huhuu mne xnye blik dri lepakking ngn qilah aku ley ngadap lappy g update blog smpai kul 2.hihii

2.What's the connection between you and the last person you texted?
haha last skli aku msg qillah..lawak2..

3.Have you ever kissed someone whose name started with a E?
ntah la x sure lak.tatw la skandal lama?..haha larikkkkkkkk

4.Have you ever dated someone longer than a year?
byk sgt..event setiap thun aku akn jupe seseorang yg bru dikenali ahahhhh

5.Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
haha org yg dtg nk pasang astro ahad ni..hampass asal x psang ari sabtu..termiss af lg!!

6.Ever kissed anyone 18 or older?
amani farzana..<-- ahha ank buah rizz..wek3!

7.Do you miss anyone?
my love ngn skandal.hahahh kemain keji....

8.What does your 8th text message say?
msg dri qillah --> " fara x dpt g ar ada hal ngan dak umah dia. kalau aku g pun aku g sorg ang ok x" <-- cengitu! heheh ok sajorkk

9.Have you held hands with anyone today?
xdew kot! koser la..

10.Do you regret anything?

11.What are you excited about?
bila si dia wat suprise to me..haha bila la kanzz

12.Plans for tonight
arini demam..dok umah sajorkkk tgok tb n ngadap lappy..:'(

13.Seven days from now will you be in a relationship?
berserah kpada NYA..tup2 rizz kawen cner? har2!!

14.What are you doing tomorrow?
keje .. tp cm nk mc klau da ting tong~~~

15.Do you like to cuddle?
hmmmm...apekah mende hrm ni?<-

16.What are your plans for the weekend?
lelepak umah..geguling atas katel ngadap lappy ngn dvd!

17.Whats your hair look like today?
srabut..mlas nk keringkan..lantak p! huhuu

18.What are you doing right now?
adoyai menaip tag yg x bkesudahan nihhh hanj! :p

19.What was the last thing you ate?
nasi cmpo mse lunch td..<--adoyai tibe lapo.mne pendot nih

20.Ever go camping?
adoyai..:'( da lme x camping..suke la camping n extreme2 ni huhukkk

21.Have you ever lost anything down a toilet?
non ado..:p

22.Do you like birds?
burung per??? wakakak tak larik arrr... hadapi dengan senyuman penuh bermakna wakakak <--kemain keji g jwapan qilah hahah

23.Biggest annoyance in your life right now?
non ado

24.Who do you tell everything to?
ikut kata hati..waa aku suker die lah!!

25.Have you spoken to your mother today?
2hri lepas tuh pon my mom yg call..rizz? harammm hahhaha..miss my family at jb lakks

26.What color is your hair?
dark brown <-- tetappp

27.Would you kiss the last person you kissed, again?
xde mkna nk comolot?..huu larik!

28.Are you happy?
x kot sbb sok sek sok sek ingoss g

29.Where were you an hour ago?
adoyai kat umah ag.ngesat ingos..huhuk

30.Do you have any tattoo/piercings?
haram uols!

31.Do you hate your ex boyfriend/girlfriend?
xyah kot nk membenci..bende2 da lpas.abaikan

32.Do you drink bottled water?
mineral water sajorkk ahhahah

33.Can you make yourself sneeze?
koser la

34.Do you fall for people easily?
agak kot har3!!

35.What are you listening to right now?
careless whisper..kemen nkjiwang g!

36.How has the week been?
bosan thp cipan kat opis ni huh

37.Are you too forgiving?
ha'ah.huhuu.watpe nk gado lelama kan

38.Do you think you'll be a good mother/father?
i think so!

39.What is the last thing you spent money on?
bnje qilah hohooo

40.Congratulations! You just had a baby boy whats his name?
kemen ..sapekahh? mohd danish haikal..sedap kan nama.hikss

41.Last thing you bought at the mall?
koserr la nk p mall..wekend sajorkkk!

42.Tell me about the shirt you're wearing?
tshirt merah giordano..<-hah motip sbut brand lg??!

43.Do you take the escalator, elevator or steps?
nek liff la kat opis..gile ape eskaltor dri gd to 12th floor?

44.Last time you were at the playground?
xde mkna nk p playground!

45.Do you order more when you don't have to pay?
xde mknanyer.wagh!

46.Sports you've played?
lme x sport..bowling ley? hahah

47.What did your last text say, and whos it from?
msg kat qillah..aku ckp arini dok google gmba artis sajork ngn fren msukkan kat hp.sebab hp aku hang smlm!

48.What are you obsessed with?
obses kat d...tiber nk kumpul gmba dierr

49.Would you rather skydive or bungee jump?
xpnh.niat tu ada laa

50.What's one place you would like to visit?
san francisco huhuu

51.How are you feeling today?

52.Last restaurant you went to?
kedai mkn nsi cmpo area bdr pmsuri

53.Do you like someone right now?
a... hahahk

54.Do you have a dirty mind
kemain keji g soalan..ade kot..larikkkkkk

55.What would you do if you saw a person fall down a flight of stairs?
make sure harta atas nama aku wakaka <-- same ngn qillah

56.Anything weird happen to you recently?
tdo ngn ke sok best gak n then g pavi kan

57.Person you want to tag
- kak heze
- lotty
- oyen
- adriana

tu je kot haha...


b0b0y said...

22.Do you like birds?
burung per??? wakakak tak larik arrr... hadapi dengan senyuman penuh bermakna wakakak <--kemain keji g jwapan qilah hahah

-burung apa..? apa-apa aje.. wakakaka

54.Do you have a dirty mind
kemain keji g soalan..ade kot..larikkkkkk

-xpe2.. ngaku je.. adek pahamm.. wakakakaka

56.Anything weird happen to you recently?
tdo ngn ke sok best gak n then g pavi kan

-gegeh g pavi tu.. huahuahuahua

JR said...

nak tau laa dirty mind tuh...
jgn larikkkkk

Cik Nazaitul Nadia @ Cik SesuciQiellah said...

43.Do you take the escalator, elevator or steps?
nek liff la kat opis..gile ape eskaltor dri gd to 12th floor?

aku leh bayankan kalau papan plewod dok naek tangga sampai tingkat 12 kompom kering kontang lew ang rizz wakakakak

loti mukhtar said...

kalo rizz nk kawen,ceq nk jd pengapit na...kalo x,ceq wak pelari pegantik pompoan kasi keje kat kedai mamak juai laksa...huhuhuhu