~~ aritu mse rizz tgok cte my bloody valentine da psg trailer cte saspen thriller plus momokk 'coming soon' nih..rizz xtaw lg sal ape .tp yg pasti merungkai kematian dlm panggung wayang k..wa takot2..x sabo laa nk tgok wyg cte ni..rizz google tgv ngn gsc td xkua g cte ni taw..tp smlm ble dvd..tgok da ade jual.ptutkah rizz bli dvd itew atau tgok wyg? muahahhahah....godaaan!
ni sinopsis cte 'coming soon & trailer nya!
Shane (Chantawit Tanasaewe), a young projectionist, decides to join Yod's (Worakan Rojanawat) mission to illegally record a newly released horror movie. Shane falls asleep during the screening and wakes up to find that Yod had already disappeared and left his camera behind. Suddenly, the horror movie that they were watching in the cinema begins to happen to them in real life.
ni sinopsis cte 'coming soon & trailer nya!
Shane (Chantawit Tanasaewe), a young projectionist, decides to join Yod's (Worakan Rojanawat) mission to illegally record a newly released horror movie. Shane falls asleep during the screening and wakes up to find that Yod had already disappeared and left his camera behind. Suddenly, the horror movie that they were watching in the cinema begins to happen to them in real life.
p/s : seram kan?!!
yg pasti sok nak g tgok cte friday 13th! nk tgok gak!!
wah..mcm menarik ok...dlm panggung wayang plak tuh...isk isk...tgk dulu...then gtaw..best ke tak:D
best kew??? aku nak gak nengok wakakak hajarnya =))
nampak cam menarik je..
kn tgk ni..
uitt...teruja dan terkesima membacanya..huhu...
eh! my bloody valentine tu best ke?
seram banyak ke seram skit?
dah tgk on dvd..ok la jgk..
tapi cam predictable..
but the guy comel.lol
mak aiii citer seram2 cam gini takut siot nak tgok...nanti tbayang2 kt rmh...hehehe
hehe aku dah donlod cite ni.. tapi masih belum berani tengok lagi..klu reramai takpe.
x sabo nk tgk cter nih..
cam besh preview die...
tp takot...
mcm best jer..jom tgk sesama rizz..
remy tgk iklan dier pon da seram...
thailand nyer citer mmg best...
maaf nk nyibuk jap, siyesli nk gtau sjujurnye, cter ni agak x best..tp tpulang le klu nk tgok gak, saya da tgok..memang kecewa gler ngan cter ni..lebih bek cter shutter lg...even pgarah nye sama..tp cter yg coming soon ni lbih utk mnakutkan org..plot jln cter yg tgantung..
klu nk tau saya leh cter sket..
err..xyah le..nnt org marah plak..tgok le sndiri..yg pnting saya btol2 kcewa tgok cter ni..org yg ptut diburu xdburu xpasal2 org len mati..
apepun, anda ni droughtman ke? wah leh le ajar saya, saya ni studnt archie
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