hi all my frenz mespace ke fs ke or blogger.what eva..
rizz nk mgucapkan salam aidilfiti..maaf zahir n batin..
p/s : x on9 smgu..line bdband tader.huhu so c u all at 6hb..
love rizz
Follow me i follow u meh!
farish izaryl @izreez
- farish izaryl @izreez
- Bandar Sri Permaisuri, Cheras, Malaysia
- @izreez Farish izaryl Love travel!
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Friday, September 26, 2008
Thursday, September 25, 2008
E-carD 4RoM mY lOvELY bLogER's mOrE..

haha dpt kad rye g.kemain kann..kali ni dri kk..bce blog die bru2 ni tharu rasenya .thanks kk.we r bestfrenz ok..to mr miez lak..lawa kad tu..t aku rye penang umah hang noo..bg wet ry!..and pling best skli dpt by post kad rye dri cik wanie..comei sgt.. n last not least kad ry dri kak rose mse gathering pose aritu.so sweet!!
thAnks FazLi & kAK raNA
oh yeah.. mse gathering aritu, rizz lupa nak appear gmbr fazli ..actually die kenalan myspace dri perlis and then die smbung study amik nursing kat kkm kl..tinggi budaknya.by d way thanks jupe rizz k.. and lpas bbuka plak terjupa kak rana..( x office mate mse kerja kat dzj architect's) ngh shoping ngaan anak buah nye.alolo tomey dak techik nih...:)

- ngn fazli..cm x cayer jupe.. -

- tomey dak techik nih -
- ngn fazli..cm x cayer jupe.. -
- tomey dak techik nih -
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Monday, September 22, 2008
tag DrI aNis La[AmVoi...mEn Bls2 dENdAM neh ekeke]
kAk RoSe aka CiK aNIs..lihat jwapankoo ini yaa:p
1. LeSen
lesen moto ngn keta ader..tp xgunakan pon dua2 kat kl neh..almaklum umah ngn opis takat jln kaki ajer[ahaksss jimat wett aku]..pastu nk p memana pon nek lrt jerrr.. keta n moto klau blik joho bru drive:p
2. kaLeR
pink..:p haha mesti u'ols pelik kn..bese r tp skng da jd trend dh..actually ske pink pluas cream vanila..ngeee sweet x:p n suka warna 2 lembut:)
3. NoVel
x bce sgt laa ni..last suke bce all karya2 ahadiat akasyah..ngee besh2..pilot cafe:)
4. sUkeR Mekap
mm..takat compac powder[jgn slh paam erk..ni takat nk ttp jerawat maa.n kurangkan peloh..huhuh]
5. kaWan
suke bkawan ngn suma org!!:)
6. diRiKu
rizz tinggi, dlm 175cm berat 55kg.. nk kate pendiam..xkot klau dh knal kecoh jerkk:p
mmentingkn pjagaan diri..klau leh dri bwah smpai atas..:p setia,..amat rendah diri..cett
7. cAmera
kamera dgtal 5.0[waa pomottt hahaak] ni sentiasa ade ble de function or even kua wekend pon snapp:p
1. LeSen
lesen moto ngn keta ader..tp xgunakan pon dua2 kat kl neh..almaklum umah ngn opis takat jln kaki ajer[ahaksss jimat wett aku]..pastu nk p memana pon nek lrt jerrr.. keta n moto klau blik joho bru drive:p
2. kaLeR
pink..:p haha mesti u'ols pelik kn..bese r tp skng da jd trend dh..actually ske pink pluas cream vanila..ngeee sweet x:p n suka warna 2 lembut:)
3. NoVel
x bce sgt laa ni..last suke bce all karya2 ahadiat akasyah..ngee besh2..pilot cafe:)
4. sUkeR Mekap
mm..takat compac powder[jgn slh paam erk..ni takat nk ttp jerawat maa.n kurangkan peloh..huhuh]
5. kaWan
suke bkawan ngn suma org!!:)
6. diRiKu
rizz tinggi, dlm 175cm berat 55kg.. nk kate pendiam..xkot klau dh knal kecoh jerkk:p
mmentingkn pjagaan diri..klau leh dri bwah smpai atas..:p setia,..amat rendah diri..cett
7. cAmera
kamera dgtal 5.0[waa pomottt hahaak] ni sentiasa ade ble de function or even kua wekend pon snapp:p
Sunday, September 21, 2008
taG fRoM cIk WaNiE sYG!!
~kena tag lagi~
1. The person who last tag you is:
~ cik wanie kot!:p
2. Your relationship with him/her is
~kawan blog & myspace....[dah jadi geng SAYAP]
3. Your five impression of him/her :
~ cantik!! hehe
~ bsemangat kental
~ maybe kelakar kot [sbb x pernah jumpa doe]hehee
~ penyabar
~ setia.. yeah i nmpak tu
4. The most memorable thing he/she had done for you:
~ die membuatkan riz xkering gusi ngn keletah dlm blognyee:p
5. The most memorable thing he/she had said to you:
~ x pernah jumpa lgi..tingin sgtt nk juper..
6. If he/she become your lover, you will:
~ haha..x kott [anggap akak ksyganku] hihikk
7. If he/she become your lover, thing he/she has to improve on will be:
~ kemain g soalan kennnn!!!:p
8. If he/she become your enemy, you will:
~ mtak dijauhkan huu
9. If he/she become your enemy, the reason will be:
~ x mungkin ...insya-ALLAH
10. The most desired thing you want to do for him/her now is:
~ hope cik wanie sbar mnempuh dugaan!
11. Your overall impression of him/her is:
~ comell sgat hahaaha woley x:)
12. How you think people around you will feel about you?:
~ sume syg beliau:p
13. The characters you love of yourself are:
~ suka kasi org disekeliling ketawa dan happy2 selalu
14. On the contrary, the characters you hate yourself are:
~ ssh nk ckp laa
15. The most ideal person you want to be is:
~ nak jd MODEL..woley x?:p hahaa
16. For people that care and like you, say something to them:
~ rase dihargai bile betul2 dpt kawan yang sejati! thanks all my frenzz..
17. Pass this quiz to 10 persons that you wished to know how they feel about you :
2~jaja [ini patot]:p
5~el zafril
6~azlan uitm
7~rizal ukm
8~adik dalf
10~shazlin [tetiba.haha]
18. Who is no.6 having relationship with?
~ kwn frenster.mespace..skang bloggers lak
19. Is no.9 a male or female:
~ male
20. What is no.2 studying about?
~ dip electronic engineering kot[tol eh jaja?:p]
21. When was the last time you had a chat with no.3?
~ hmm last week kot.shoutmix jerr
22. What kind of music band does no.8 like?
~ xtaw lahh
23.Does no.1 have any siblings?
~ xtaw nk ckp heheeee
24. Will you woo no.3? why?
~ aku xtaw jwapan nehhh
25. How about no.7?
~ xtaw lerr..kemain g kannn!!!:p
26. Is no.4 single?
~ xtaw..bru knal 3hri:p
27. What is the surname of no.5?
~ hmm ntah..ssh nk tapsir:p
28. What’s the hobby of no.4?
~ chatting kot
29. Does no.5 and 9 get along well?
~ ntahler...x kot
30. Where is no.2 studying at?
~ dak poli s alam
31. Talk something casually about no.1:
~ bpendirian tegas.maybe..
32. Have you tried developing feelings for no.8?
~ adik angkat lor
33. Where does no.9 live at?
~ area kl
34. What colour does no.4 like?
~ tak pasti..hik hik..
35. Are no.5 and 1 best friend?
~ x kot.dorg xknal lorr
There’s No 36 to 39~ Duh!
40. Does no.1 have any pets?
~ ntah ler x sure
41. Is no.7 the sexiest person in the world?
~ masculine :p
42. What is no. 10 doing now?
~ coordinator modelling
p/s : jenuhh jawapp hahaaa
1. The person who last tag you is:
~ cik wanie kot!:p
2. Your relationship with him/her is
~kawan blog & myspace....[dah jadi geng SAYAP]
3. Your five impression of him/her :
~ cantik!! hehe
~ bsemangat kental
~ maybe kelakar kot [sbb x pernah jumpa doe]hehee
~ penyabar
~ setia.. yeah i nmpak tu
4. The most memorable thing he/she had done for you:
~ die membuatkan riz xkering gusi ngn keletah dlm blognyee:p
5. The most memorable thing he/she had said to you:
~ x pernah jumpa lgi..tingin sgtt nk juper..
6. If he/she become your lover, you will:
~ haha..x kott [anggap akak ksyganku] hihikk
7. If he/she become your lover, thing he/she has to improve on will be:
~ kemain g soalan kennnn!!!:p
8. If he/she become your enemy, you will:
~ mtak dijauhkan huu
9. If he/she become your enemy, the reason will be:
~ x mungkin ...insya-ALLAH
10. The most desired thing you want to do for him/her now is:
~ hope cik wanie sbar mnempuh dugaan!
11. Your overall impression of him/her is:
~ comell sgat hahaaha woley x:)
12. How you think people around you will feel about you?:
~ sume syg beliau:p
13. The characters you love of yourself are:
~ suka kasi org disekeliling ketawa dan happy2 selalu
14. On the contrary, the characters you hate yourself are:
~ ssh nk ckp laa
15. The most ideal person you want to be is:
~ nak jd MODEL..woley x?:p hahaa
16. For people that care and like you, say something to them:
~ rase dihargai bile betul2 dpt kawan yang sejati! thanks all my frenzz..
17. Pass this quiz to 10 persons that you wished to know how they feel about you :
2~jaja [ini patot]:p
5~el zafril
6~azlan uitm
7~rizal ukm
8~adik dalf
10~shazlin [tetiba.haha]
18. Who is no.6 having relationship with?
~ kwn frenster.mespace..skang bloggers lak
19. Is no.9 a male or female:
~ male
20. What is no.2 studying about?
~ dip electronic engineering kot[tol eh jaja?:p]
21. When was the last time you had a chat with no.3?
~ hmm last week kot.shoutmix jerr
22. What kind of music band does no.8 like?
~ xtaw lahh
23.Does no.1 have any siblings?
~ xtaw nk ckp heheeee
24. Will you woo no.3? why?
~ aku xtaw jwapan nehhh
25. How about no.7?
~ xtaw lerr..kemain g kannn!!!:p
26. Is no.4 single?
~ xtaw..bru knal 3hri:p
27. What is the surname of no.5?
~ hmm ntah..ssh nk tapsir:p
28. What’s the hobby of no.4?
~ chatting kot
29. Does no.5 and 9 get along well?
~ ntahler...x kot
30. Where is no.2 studying at?
~ dak poli s alam
31. Talk something casually about no.1:
~ bpendirian tegas.maybe..
32. Have you tried developing feelings for no.8?
~ adik angkat lor
33. Where does no.9 live at?
~ area kl
34. What colour does no.4 like?
~ tak pasti..hik hik..
35. Are no.5 and 1 best friend?
~ x kot.dorg xknal lorr
There’s No 36 to 39~ Duh!
40. Does no.1 have any pets?
~ ntah ler x sure
41. Is no.7 the sexiest person in the world?
~ masculine :p
42. What is no. 10 doing now?
~ coordinator modelling
p/s : jenuhh jawapp hahaaa
keMeriAHan BeRbUka POSe nGaN bLoGeR'S
-bestnya jupe koranggggg-
yeah..mse yg ditunggu2 pon tibe..tanggal 20 hb 9 08 pjumpaan dak2 bloger mse mjlis bbuka pose.1st of all jack ngn aku le dtg dlu.jenuh taww tgu dorg.nk setting tablelg..da la rmai gile umat kat sogo smlm.. (sabo je).at least stu demi stu bloger dtg..wahh pojie mai smbil tersenyum senyum kt ktorg.. n then aizoul smpai ngn kwn2 die..pastuh sape g erkk.. aha..nuar , ajim,..remy.. impress sgt dpt jupe nua.yela stahun knal.bru laa ni dpt jupe.(putihnye kulit nua..ape rasie.ahahakk =jawappp haross nehh) tgall tgu kak rose aka anis lak.ngn elzafril..ble suma dh ade ..tetibe tdetik ingat kat pyan..(mne mamat ni..pnat aku tgu).tup2 nua dpt incoming call yg pyan xcdent..tkejut gak aku..smpai tmenung sjenak.huaa sedey tgok smpai bjahit dagu,.saba la dik..mkn ubt ye..n klau cik wanie ade mesti best..haha.cukup korum!! ngee... last but not least..mlm tu tkejut gak dpt call dri anis kta kena rompak,hayoo..kl mmg bhaya skang ni..so..for gurls beware ok..
& tatap lah snping2 we'all yg glamm neh cewah!!!!
to Pyan :~
semoga cepat sembuh:(...jgn lupe mkn ubat
Friday, September 19, 2008
taG rAYe!! lg..dri wAn
5 perkara wajib d pagi rye anda..
- smyg sunat hri raya laa.gegeh kemain g pkai bju lelawa lg tawww
- mohon ampun maaf ngn fmly tercinta..uhukk sedey arr time tuh bjujuran air matakoo
- hulur dwet ry utk ayahnda n bonda ngn adik emy cyunkk:)
- pegi umah ewan kat dpn umah aku tuh.nape ntah 1stmesti aku jupe die d pg rye.yelaa..time ni je leh jupe.ari bese x pnah nmpak pon kwn aku dorg neh. memasing bz.
-mkn juadah rye lpas blik smyg..pastu mgelupor kenyang sambil tgok tb smpai ptg ahakss
3kueh rye kegemaran?
- almond london [wajib neh]
- kerepek ubi pedas..[kategori kue ke?..lantak laa.ahah]
- kueh dahlia..korg knal x..sedap woo kue ni.abis 1 balang u'ols
2 sebab ape yg mbuatkan anda sebak di hari raya?
- ingat kat shira ngn kak ayu yg beraya kat dubai..cmner la dorg sambut rye kat sana..winduu siott.uwaa.
- bile tgok golongan yg kurang berkemampuan..insafi dirii ini.
2 sebab ape yg membuatkan anda girang di hari raya?
- crita tv best..hehehhe.. mmg xdok beraya umah org laa gamaknya.
- bile dpt dwett rye..[time2 kecik sajo] besa tarakkk ..turn pak teh lak bg wet ry hehe.
dwet rye pling byk dpt?
- seratos hengget dlm mse stengah jam di pgi raya..kah kah.. fmly bg lorr
5 org yg perlu di tag!
- cik wanie
- cik anis
- nuar zone
- jaja (ini patut:p)
- el zafril:p
- smyg sunat hri raya laa.gegeh kemain g pkai bju lelawa lg tawww
- mohon ampun maaf ngn fmly tercinta..uhukk sedey arr time tuh bjujuran air matakoo
- hulur dwet ry utk ayahnda n bonda ngn adik emy cyunkk:)
- pegi umah ewan kat dpn umah aku tuh.nape ntah 1stmesti aku jupe die d pg rye.yelaa..time ni je leh jupe.ari bese x pnah nmpak pon kwn aku dorg neh. memasing bz.
-mkn juadah rye lpas blik smyg..pastu mgelupor kenyang sambil tgok tb smpai ptg ahakss
3kueh rye kegemaran?
- almond london [wajib neh]
- kerepek ubi pedas..[kategori kue ke?..lantak laa.ahah]
- kueh dahlia..korg knal x..sedap woo kue ni.abis 1 balang u'ols
2 sebab ape yg mbuatkan anda sebak di hari raya?
- ingat kat shira ngn kak ayu yg beraya kat dubai..cmner la dorg sambut rye kat sana..winduu siott.uwaa.
- bile tgok golongan yg kurang berkemampuan..insafi dirii ini.
2 sebab ape yg membuatkan anda girang di hari raya?
- crita tv best..hehehhe.. mmg xdok beraya umah org laa gamaknya.
- bile dpt dwett rye..[time2 kecik sajo] besa tarakkk ..turn pak teh lak bg wet ry hehe.
dwet rye pling byk dpt?
- seratos hengget dlm mse stengah jam di pgi raya..kah kah.. fmly bg lorr
5 org yg perlu di tag!
- cik wanie
- cik anis
- nuar zone
- jaja (ini patut:p)
- el zafril:p
mlM 7 lIkUr

Ermm Dh nk dkt bulan syawal, ada stu hal yang selalu watt aku nak sgt pulang kekampung. coz' suasana yang khas ada satu tradisi yang jarang aku jumpai kat tempat lain.that's it! tradisi malam7 Likur.time tulah keliling kg penuh ngn pelita uol's so far taun ni opkos la psg kan..lg2 umah bru..psg lmpu lip lap g..gegeh ni blik awl sabtu dpn nk bg chantek umah.smlm pon aku dh bli kat lyn (dak opis)bunge api ngn mecun sket wat men mse rye.bru meriah..ermm rsenya klau kat kg skang mmg dh bdentum munyik mecun..ka kl ni kurengg sket r.. bese la kn bndo..so,sesama lh kite psg plita.plita pnjut ke bese ke jnji cntek lman umah.x gteww?
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
sPeNt tImE wEkEnd NgN aPpLe & HoNeyDew & aDik AyEN
hehe..sesaje je nk tjuk gmbr2 mse rizz jejalan last week.ermm byk gak la soping..sale tu beb kat sogo..jenuh ni soping smpai xhengat la kenn..tup2 smbar 2helai tshirt ngn 2 jeans..erm 2rat gak abis..huhuk mummyy..help me..anakmu telh mlakukan pbaziran:p..erm..next wek nk cri cookies sket ngn kasut serta baju2 utk my family ..even every year bg taw..(baik kannnn)wet rye x spent lg..tgu gaji kot..hazab nye tgu gaji bln ni.huhuk..

-enteprem je kann keje nya -

-ala yg ni aku x nmpak lak.mencikk-

-tema oren- second day..tp apple xde bju oren lak huhuu
-enteprem je kann keje nya -
-ala yg ni aku x nmpak lak.mencikk-
-tema oren- second day..tp apple xde bju oren lak huhuu
Monday, September 15, 2008
hAha..aNis Tag HaKU pLAK..BALas dEndam La tu heHE
5 tabiat buruk anda time skolah
* malas nk sapu smpah.yg time table tu huhu.tp nk bersih.cmaner tu??:p
* suka wat kawan skolah sakit ati n jeles.ahha (jaatnye aku time tu):p
* mengumpat hehe teworknyaa
* ponteng kelas pj..aku x suka bersenam pepagi buta..cikgu pj anti ngn aku beb..lantak rr
* malas wat keje skolah kekadang:p
3 favourite subject anda...kenapa?
* English..yeahh aku sgt suka subject ni
* Science.. hehe gegeh study ni mcbar..ermm klau amik class science.msti leh jd doc..cte2 gak tu.
* Art..weii aku suka melukis..hmm x sia2 bakat tu smpai laa ni pon aku jd pelukis pelan.thankss cikgu!:)
3 subjek yang anda tidak suke..kenape
* Sejarah...tp aku dpt c6 time spm..cm x caye jerkk.haha
* Matematik.. ntah memang lembap dri zmn skolah rendah.i hate!!
* add math haha.sama la tu zeroo
Menarik pada kamu...
* xder yg menarik kot..cuma kwn2 senang kwn ngn aku.especially pompoan.hahaa ..laki ni bole kire je kwn kat skolah..asal ntah.
Kamu paling suka..
* bila dpt markah english A.hahaaaa
Anda tidak boleh hidup tanpa..
* my family.henset n lagu:p
Setiap malam sebelum tidur,siapa yang anda hubungi
* form 5 bru blaja pkai henset haha tu pon sagem..hset bodo2 haha.
Aku nak sebarkan virus tag ini kepada
*azlan uitm
*rizal ukm
*mr miez
*n sape yg nak..angkat tgn yerrrr
* malas nk sapu smpah.yg time table tu huhu.tp nk bersih.cmaner tu??:p
* suka wat kawan skolah sakit ati n jeles.ahha (jaatnye aku time tu):p
* mengumpat hehe teworknyaa
* ponteng kelas pj..aku x suka bersenam pepagi buta..cikgu pj anti ngn aku beb..lantak rr
* malas wat keje skolah kekadang:p
3 favourite subject anda...kenapa?
* English..yeahh aku sgt suka subject ni
* Science.. hehe gegeh study ni mcbar..ermm klau amik class science.msti leh jd doc..cte2 gak tu.
* Art..weii aku suka melukis..hmm x sia2 bakat tu smpai laa ni pon aku jd pelukis pelan.thankss cikgu!:)
3 subjek yang anda tidak suke..kenape
* Sejarah...tp aku dpt c6 time spm..cm x caye jerkk.haha
* Matematik.. ntah memang lembap dri zmn skolah rendah.i hate!!
* add math haha.sama la tu zeroo
Menarik pada kamu...
* xder yg menarik kot..cuma kwn2 senang kwn ngn aku.especially pompoan.hahaa ..laki ni bole kire je kwn kat skolah..asal ntah.
Kamu paling suka..
* bila dpt markah english A.hahaaaa
Anda tidak boleh hidup tanpa..
* my family.henset n lagu:p
Setiap malam sebelum tidur,siapa yang anda hubungi
* form 5 bru blaja pkai henset haha tu pon sagem..hset bodo2 haha.
Aku nak sebarkan virus tag ini kepada
*azlan uitm
*rizal ukm
*mr miez
*n sape yg nak..angkat tgn yerrrr
Saturday, September 13, 2008
KenE tAG dRI zAf:p
1.How old are you?
22 taun huhuk tua dh akuwww
2. Are you single?
err...in a relationship hehhhhhe
3. In what age do you think you’ll get married?
ermm 27 ok x..hehehe tgu gaji dh mantap n stabil n ade keta ngn umah sedirikkk
4. Do you think you’ll be marrying the person you are with now??
insyALLAH..aku amt menyintainya..wahh gtew
5. If not, who do you want to marry?
biarla TUHAN menetukan segalanya.kita hnya mampu merancang:p
6. Do you want a garden/beach wedding, or the traditional wedding?
tradional lh.kte kan org mlayu hehek.. tp belh pompoan nk wat garden wedding..ngeeeeeee beshnyerr
7. Your ideal motif?
my motif..:p tader soh made of honour ngn wedding planner jeww
8. Where do you plan to go on a honeymoon?
venice..yeah dikelilingi rose kat tasik venice..hmm pastu men ski kat switzerland..
london..n soul korea.. byk gila nk p..:p
9. How many guests do you think you’ll invite?
mjlis resepi belah laki dlm 2000.. gurl..ermm kena tnya die:p
10. Do you want an extravagant wedding or a simple wedding?
simple tp nk grand..woley??
11. Do you want the traditional vows or something you’d make up on your own??
"Aku terima nikahnya ___________ dengan mas kahwinnye RM ________ tunai."
12. How many layers of cake do you want to have?
opkos kek cokelatt ngeee adicted..<-secret recipe
14. When do you want to get married, evening or morning?
nikah - mlm jumaat.. resepsi - sabtu../ ahad:p
15. You’d rather have your reception outdoors or indoors?
indoor la ..accept dineer time heheh
16. Do you like a grand entrance for your groom?
nk soh apple jd pngapit klau woley hahahah
17. Name the song/tune you’d like played at your wedding??
lagu2 cinta tok ct hihik..ngn celine dion mse wedding garden
18. Are you a morning person or a night person?
19. Do you want a solemn ceremony or a light one?
20. What age do you want to get married?
kemain g q..kn da jawapp.!
21. Describe your ideal husband/wife.
sanggup dpt hidup ssh dan senang. memahami diri ini..trust each other n penyayaang
n menghormati keluarga kuu
22. Do you prefer fine dining or just the normal spoon & fork/knife?
pkai tgn jerk kat kg.. garden wedding bru yg clast2:p
23. champagne or red wine?
sirap bandung selasih.wakakak
24. Honeymoon right after the wedding or days after the wedding?
smgu slepas kawin hehehe.kemain g..'gagah' hahahah
25. Money or household item?
dwet bkn segalanya.tp penting tu jer
26. Who will pay for the bills?
sama2..bru fair kannnn
27. Are you ready for married life?
x sedia g bebbb tgu stabill
28. Do u think you will still be a virgin until u get married?
haha no komen
29. Will u always be true to your wife/husband
jujur n setia....
30. How many kids do u like?
4..pastu nk kembar.woley x..2 kemba laki 2 kemba pompoan haha
31. A new house for a newly wed or an old one?
nak design sedirik umah banglo aku..hehe tu kan keje aku drartman
b4 that nk dok kondo oyeahhh
32. Will u celebrate silver wedding, gold wedding, or diamond wedding?
33. What kind of cuisine would u like for ur wedding?
msakan kg.. garden lak western hehehhe
34. Will u record ur honeymoon in a cd or dvd?
utk dvd peribadi sajer n family.org len x woleyyy
35. Whose wedding plans would you like to know next??? choose 5 person as Your friend?
- anis
- pojie
- pyan
- cik wanie
- aizoul
22 taun huhuk tua dh akuwww
2. Are you single?
err...in a relationship hehhhhhe
3. In what age do you think you’ll get married?
ermm 27 ok x..hehehe tgu gaji dh mantap n stabil n ade keta ngn umah sedirikkk
4. Do you think you’ll be marrying the person you are with now??
insyALLAH..aku amt menyintainya..wahh gtew
5. If not, who do you want to marry?
biarla TUHAN menetukan segalanya.kita hnya mampu merancang:p
6. Do you want a garden/beach wedding, or the traditional wedding?
tradional lh.kte kan org mlayu hehek.. tp belh pompoan nk wat garden wedding..ngeeeeeee beshnyerr
7. Your ideal motif?
my motif..:p tader soh made of honour ngn wedding planner jeww
8. Where do you plan to go on a honeymoon?
venice..yeah dikelilingi rose kat tasik venice..hmm pastu men ski kat switzerland..
london..n soul korea.. byk gila nk p..:p
9. How many guests do you think you’ll invite?
mjlis resepi belah laki dlm 2000.. gurl..ermm kena tnya die:p
10. Do you want an extravagant wedding or a simple wedding?
simple tp nk grand..woley??
11. Do you want the traditional vows or something you’d make up on your own??
"Aku terima nikahnya ___________ dengan mas kahwinnye RM ________ tunai."
12. How many layers of cake do you want to have?
opkos kek cokelatt ngeee adicted..<-secret recipe
14. When do you want to get married, evening or morning?
nikah - mlm jumaat.. resepsi - sabtu../ ahad:p
15. You’d rather have your reception outdoors or indoors?
indoor la ..accept dineer time heheh
16. Do you like a grand entrance for your groom?
nk soh apple jd pngapit klau woley hahahah
17. Name the song/tune you’d like played at your wedding??
lagu2 cinta tok ct hihik..ngn celine dion mse wedding garden
18. Are you a morning person or a night person?
19. Do you want a solemn ceremony or a light one?
20. What age do you want to get married?
kemain g q..kn da jawapp.!
21. Describe your ideal husband/wife.
sanggup dpt hidup ssh dan senang. memahami diri ini..trust each other n penyayaang
n menghormati keluarga kuu
22. Do you prefer fine dining or just the normal spoon & fork/knife?
pkai tgn jerk kat kg.. garden wedding bru yg clast2:p
23. champagne or red wine?
sirap bandung selasih.wakakak
24. Honeymoon right after the wedding or days after the wedding?
smgu slepas kawin hehehe.kemain g..'gagah' hahahah
25. Money or household item?
dwet bkn segalanya.tp penting tu jer
26. Who will pay for the bills?
sama2..bru fair kannnn
27. Are you ready for married life?
x sedia g bebbb tgu stabill
28. Do u think you will still be a virgin until u get married?
haha no komen
29. Will u always be true to your wife/husband
jujur n setia....
30. How many kids do u like?
4..pastu nk kembar.woley x..2 kemba laki 2 kemba pompoan haha
31. A new house for a newly wed or an old one?
nak design sedirik umah banglo aku..hehe tu kan keje aku drartman
b4 that nk dok kondo oyeahhh
32. Will u celebrate silver wedding, gold wedding, or diamond wedding?
33. What kind of cuisine would u like for ur wedding?
msakan kg.. garden lak western hehehhe
34. Will u record ur honeymoon in a cd or dvd?
utk dvd peribadi sajer n family.org len x woleyyy
35. Whose wedding plans would you like to know next??? choose 5 person as Your friend?
- anis
- pojie
- pyan
- cik wanie
- aizoul
Friday, September 12, 2008
nEw BlOg ApPear Haha...

ngEEee tetibe jerk tgerak ati nk tkar layout..kali ni betul2 puas ati:p
chantek x sayap2 sekelian..(amik trademak pojie.syap2) huahak..
emm sesambil tu teringat plak kat my sis yg pregnant tu.. baby die msti comel nti hehe x saba rizz nk jd pak teh ahakss... bia comei dlm gmbq2 nie..rizz pon harap dpt baby secomei ni.ngeee geramm tgok..nk jd papa gak..<-- ahakss
Thursday, September 11, 2008
trIbUtE tO mY lOvE

Takdir Cinta - Rossa
Ku tutup mataku
Dari semua pandanganku
Bila melihat matamu
Kuyakin ada cinta ketulusan hati
Yang mengalir lembut
Penguasa alam
Tolonglah pegangi aku
Biar ku tak jatuh
Pada sumur dosa yang terkutuk
Dan menyesatkan cintaku
Andaikan ku bisa
Lebih adil pada cinta kau dan dia
Aku bukan nabi yang bisa sempurna
Ku tak luput dari dosa
Biarlah ku hidup seperti ini
Takdir cinta harus begini
Ada kau dan dia bukan ku yang mau
Oh tuhan kuburlah hatiku
P/S : sesungguhnya aku amat merinduinya walaupun jauh di mata tetap dihati:)
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
GaThEriNG & MajLIs BeRBuka PuASa

Assalamualaikum dan salam muhibbah..
Di sini SAYAP RAMADHAN ingin war² kan kepada anda sayap² (kawan² la..) juga pembaca² diluar sana, bahawa SAYAP RAMADHAN yang terdiri dari pada POJIEPOOH, ANIS, NUAR & RITZZ(sye sendiri) mengadakan event Gathering & Majlis Berbuka Puasa. Informasi adalah seperti di bawah;
Tarikh : 20 September 2008
Hari : Sabtu
Tempat : Signature, KLCC
Masa : 5ptg (sampai mata bengkak)
Tema : Blue + White
Anda semua dijemput hadir memeriahkan majlis. Sebarang pertanyaan sila kemukakan kepada kami selaku penyelaras ok! Datang jangan tak datang. Ble lagi nak kenal² kan!!
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
tRiBUtE tO pYaN
tRiBUtE tO cIk aNis & pOjIe..

The Best of Friends
© Jill Wolf, sent by Wendy Hinson
The best of friends,
Can change a frown,
Into a smile,
when you feel down.
The best of friends,
Will understand,
Your little trials,
And lend a hand.
The best of friends,
Will always share,
Your secret dreams,
Because they care.
The best of friends,
Worth more than gold,
Give all the love,
A heart can hold.
p/ s : senang berkawan dengan kalian..:)
Monday, September 8, 2008
trIbUtE tO NuA zOne

Forever Never Ends
by Becky Rattray
F riends 'til the end, is what was once spoken,
O r is that just what you wanted to say?
R eally, I'd be heart broken
E veryday, I thank God for you in every way
V ery often do I forget to say, "I love you,"
E ven when I don't feel like it
R emember me when you're scared and remember I care about you too!
N ever take anything for granted,
E ven if there was a fight or two.
V ery Lucky am I, to have you as my best friend.
E veryday I think about you,
R emembering we're gonna be forever friends!
E ven if we're both scared,
N ever will I say Good- Bye.
D idn't I always say, "Forever Never Ends?"
S o, please believe me when I say, "Forever Friends."
p/s : nua. friend come and go..me? never as long as u want me be ur friend:p
bUka PoSE tIME
Ni lah time yg dinanti2 natikan buka pose.yahoooo
sume ade kat umah.. abg lan smpai lewat dlm kul 7.xksah la jnji leh bke pose sesama fmly..bkn sng nk kumpul taw.huhuu.. byknye lauk.tharu..mama ckp daddy snggup g pekan nk crik ayam golek my fav.emm syang daddy..:)
p/s : gmbr ktorg ngh mkn tader..tatot kna mrh nk snap2 time buka pose.hehehhh
iN da Town kLuaNG
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