~~afternoon guys! heheeh...mcm2 cte rizz story arini kan..so kali ni nk jamu ur guys ngn ini..hehe "cupcakes" ..td rizz ym ngn ag...story morie cte tetibe tringat sal cup cakes ni coz rizz ade bce n3 die mse kawn die tunang ade cupcakes di situ n ade 1 of ag frenz tnya die jual ke hehe.. same with me td tnye die gak dan ktnya boley order kat die ..hehe maybe kwan die wat kot.. so ag send picta2 cupcakes yg rizz nak choice..waa look nice!! haha rizz pling suke yg ade kete cinonet tu..harga lak bgntung pde design cupcakes tuh..
so nak taw lebeh lnjut emel la kat beliau at
promot ni hahah...da mtk kbenaran ag dah kikiii...maybe rizz nak order utk my besday party nnti.insyALLAH:)
sgt tantek design nye..tp sedap ke???wakaka
haruslah kak wos mengoder cupcake itu
ingt plan kite
kecik2 pun xper..
asal dgn kite2 jer...hahahaha
p/s : sesuatu sgt "plan" kite 2 kan
wey rizz ko nih wat terliur aku jek....esok besday aku...tolong anto kan 20 bijik ok..aku nak makan...huahauhauahau..
kek cawan sgt chumel!!! :D
sekian :p
thanks rizz for the publicity..hehe free promotion..
neway guys...
kalau nak order...at least a week before the real day...expecially those fondant cake.yang ada benda2 kecik2 tu sume handmake..so makan masa sket lah...x makan hati okey~
rules and regulation:
1.call me or email me stylodude19@yahoo.com
2. 1 week order before real day.
3. rm30 as transportation cost all over klang valley
4. cuppy range from rm1.20 - rm3.50 per cup
5. flavour coklat, vanilla.
minimum order 25.
6 kalau korang nak design sendiri.just email me the design.nak pic upin ipin ka..hahah.mana lah tahu kan!
hehehehe.. ade dah benda nak surprise..lalalala
amboi, kemain cupcakes... nice to see, syg nak makan... nnt duk tenung jek sampai berkulat..hahahha
haha rugi lah kalau tgk jek..hehe...amek lah pic banyak masa beli tuh...jadi kenangan...hehe~
uol's order la kat web pages ni : sosweetcupcakes.com
oder manyak2 sikit erk...
KONPEM kalau WAN g party tu WAN nak tapau sekali
haha. cup cakes.
luv luv.
luv cupcake chick. sedap!!
jangan la lupe jempot partay u tuh.
wat ala2 slumber partay.
ley men baling2 bantal :p
sayang nak makan kalau camnie..
beli simpan je, bleh x?
comel jer cupcakes tu...
looks tasty...yummmy!!!!
dap dap.
nnti birthday wawa rizz belikan cup cake ni eyh.
tak dpt sedozen, dpt 1 cup tu pon jadik la.
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