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farish izaryl @izreez
- farish izaryl @izreez
- Bandar Sri Permaisuri, Cheras, Malaysia
- @izreez Farish izaryl Love travel!
Saturday, February 28, 2009
|| eNtRY eND Of FeBrUArY ||
TaG yG hAHa,...tATaw lah!

lebeh kurang cmnilah situasinya setiap hari..hiks

my office penah gak situasi cmni hahahaha
office mate
- office mate rizz x ramai..4 org je yg tinggal setelah zen [architect resign coz' x dpt comfirmation letter stelah half year keje..keji kanzz] sian kat die..nasib la zen got new job!..
so ade la perry,me, lynn..<-- die pling best..klau nak rehat ke,bgosip ke we all lyn je smpai ym sama2 kat opis dok kutuk lg sorg mamat yg kaki ampu.hahha!..nsib laa ade sorg leh msuk kat kpale nih.klau x.mau resign je!..
dari kiri,..pendot n pokcik..dari kanan, - jack, rizz n ident..anuar xde dlm gmba.die x attend pon keji! :p
my hosmate?..
- yerp ..we ols sentiasa bertiga kalu kua housemate kan?..achik ngn pendot sekmpung..tmasuklah jack <--geng syap msti knl..ident ngn anuar..waghh! rizz knal 1 kg dorg hahah.dorg sume de kat kl..[rizz dh penah lepak kg dorg mse 1st fasting last year]..mengenali pendot dlm 6tahun! stay bsama mse 2005 [mse tuh rizz keje kfc g.letih oo.pendi lak keje tecnician kat mines!] 2007 until now stay bsama gak..byk r kenangan mnis n pahit bsama..jd slot bersamamu pon penah!! hahah sedey bile ingat blik kan?..
MasA AgaK tERhaD..
Friday, February 27, 2009
eNtRY ||300||
HaPpY BiRtHdaY sIsTer!

Thursday, February 26, 2009
tAg Dari PojIe PoOh
Pastikan crop-kan pic itu td kpd bbrp bahagian tertentu sajer yg menonjolkan kecantekan or kehodohan korang..
Buatlah huraian ala² cam SPM dulu. Huraikan serba sedikit tentang bhgian market korang tuh... Cantek ke tak.. Suka ker tak.. Kira cam tu lah..
Tag saper² saje asal dia lebih buruk dr korang... Motip.. Hihihihi.. Gurau la.. Tag la sbrapa ramai umat yg anda mau.
opkos rizz suka thz picta hehe..sbb ni my 1st photoshoot at deballz modelling!
huraian lak!!..

- ahaa.. rizz punya kening yg tipis..klau tgok betul2 mata belah kiri agak kebawah sket kelopaknye.dri kecik rasenya..kdg2 rizz xleh fokus pada kamera..sbb nti gmbar jadi funny.hiks! n xde fotogenic sgt ngee~~~
mulut & 3 tahi lalat
TaG DrI kAK YoYo & kAK HeZe
Go to the 6th folder of photos.
Go to the 6th picture in that folder.
Put the picture on your blog and description of it.
Invite six friends to join the challenge.
Link them in your blog and let them know they have been challenged.
ahakss! byknye bunga huhuu.. time ni convocation rizz kat picc.. course architecture.. best la time ni sbb rizz dpt jupe kwan2 mse study dlu..alim sgtz kann nk pkai songkok segala..hahahh!qilah mesti gelak guleng2 tuh..shiap ang hikss!!
SetTlE tAG..

4)Paper lama

5) seluar 'DALAM'

Wednesday, February 25, 2009
fReNz CoNecTioN

Tuesday, February 24, 2009
KeHiDuPAn SeBagaI pEnuLiS bLoG


sLuMDog MiLioNiare..AweSOme!...
I'M ok!! weeee~~~~
Monday, February 23, 2009
keEmeriAHAn OsCAR 2009

wAnA MysTarz Lg! so ProUd!.

~~ belum tlmbat lg rasenya rizz nk wish congrat cozz wana dri mystarz lg sbb jd juara!! yeaa so proud kat girl dri jb nih... btw rizz ingat nashrin yg mng taw..xkurang hebat tuuhh mse nyanyi ngn misha omar.. n then hairee lak sgt comei..wlopon rockers..casey lak tone die sdap far sume best laa.cume rezeki bpihak kat wana!!! tahniah gurl..:)
ThE oScaR 2009
ok..ok enuff...
so cite yg rizz suka tu mng utk kategori skang ialah..,
so far bru 2 award je cte ni mng..rizz hope sgt BRAD PITT ngn ANGELINA JOLIE mng utk best actor & them!!!

Sunday, February 22, 2009
RaJa TaG wAnA be..HoHo..
~~ kemen statemen di atas kanzz.tula asik tag org aku lak kene.hehe xpe for fun uolss.layan jehh kan oyen kan3..<--- ratu tag..hehe. kali ni rizz got tag dri azlan loves pink:).. k lan here's my answer..:p
1. rizz's ex boy/girl : haha x engat..byk seh <--gile statement
2. rizz's listenin' to: lagu kat blog lan..maybe britney..ntah le.kan2...
3. Maybe rizz's Shud: jd org yg lebih bjimat cermat kot..ahakss
4. rizz's like to learn: how to download full movie kat tenet..! <-- yer rizz tataw lgsung keyh cara nk donlod new movie :p
5. rizz's BestFriend: * Oooh... byk! kang x tulis kang... sentap lak! hehe.. Syukur.. byk gak.. :) <-- yea lan..same with u! :P
6. rizz's dont understand: * Why people always look down on me! <-- sama gak lan!..:p
7. Win lost: juzz believe urself dear..
8. Many people said rizz skinny : haha g mam**
9. rizz's living in a place called: lake town queen..<--waa sedap je rizz pelik.ble ckp je dok queen msing2 dok pkir sal lain je..cliche...!
10. The meaning of rizz's real name: kah3..tataw seh..maybe seorang yg lembut hati.cewahh kemen nk puji diri lgi!
11. Love is: * "give and take!" betul x? cinta bukan hanya memberi.. but, receiving as well..<-- pd lan.. hehe 4 me.."come n go" :'(
12. The meaning of 'Forever': * sila dengar lagu Chris Brown (yang telah menumbuk Rihanna tuh).. lagu yang berjudul Forever...<--hahahh setuju ngn lan..btw chris brown tu i like taw..esem..! <--mati ler!!
13. rizz's will try: mjadi seorang yg bguna..n then pencinta setia..!! wahh tp i'm more to be secreto admire rooo..haha kan n*....:'(
14. rizz's HP: w550c sony ericsson walkman jee..
15. rizz's very annoyed: * When sum1 shitting towards me! GRRRRR!!! <-- same!
16. Whenever rizz's Wake up from sleep: * hehehe... mesti pegang hp dolok... check inbox! hihi <--hahaa same with u taww!!
7. Party is: time utk melahar!! hhahah..
18. The cutest animal: kucin..ngeeeeeee comei je kan!!
20. rizz's felt tension today: hurmm nobody wanna hang out with me..also my syg never text or syg refer my gf..<-- glurpppp..:p i wihh not 4get her besday 11hb ni.mati lerr x wishh
21. Tonite, rizz will: on9 slgi xngntok n then tgok dvd lorr
22. When rizz's look at himself in the mirror this morning: hurmm i'm look to old bile rmbut pnjang.yerr i know i want cut my hair nihhh
23. Shopping Mall: pavilion..pavilion...pavilion.. asik g ctu je.:p
24. Fast food are usually: benti mkn kfc n mc d slme bberapa mgu ni..alhamdulilah nk mkn je ngenang nasib ank2 tpksa g old town white coffe.. hoooho ta pon subway
25. Now... i'm going to tag...
penat le nak tag..sape eyh?..sape nk amik rizz wish to tag --->
sorg je.. saiful..:p
SpEnT tImE @ hOmE

oiam on9..aritu x smpat tgok..waa rugi!!! nak tgok tomok nyanyi lagu cobaa mcm mner..wahh fanatik seii lagu cuba tuh..!!
spRiNG cLeANIng

~~ oyeah! entry rasmi utk arini hehe lpas settlekan all tag tuh..arini wekend xde pe yg mnarik sgt leh di share..pagi td pon bgun lewat..bantai balas dendamm katanya 5 hri waktu keje kanzz.. do gunakan la masa yg ade ngn bgun tdo kul 10 pagi.mauahha..n then bgun je xg bekpes tp dok mlanguk dpn pc lak..until 11 rizz decide nak kemas bilik..amat berhabuk ok.. ayoo mati ler..spring cleaning arini.tensen2..nk kena bongkar segala bgai..sarng2 lelabah yg ado tu nk dibersihkan..settle dlm kul 12 gak..p mndi ngn mkn n then smbung chat lg..ngn mber2 terbuai rase happy lyan korang..terutamanya aira..hhee best chat with u,..yummy [my silent readr's tu..:p] and kar9..petang lak ujan.disebabkan lappy dh tlmpau panas td..[rizz x pkai cooler pon uols..mmg nk kena letopp kan lappy i ni]..kul 6 decide ttup pc n plan tgok dvd

cte brokeback mountain.hehehh lme x tgok dvd ni..saje nk tgok heath ledger blkon..suke laa die!sedey mse jack grenhell tuh mati...pehh suke2 cte nii...heath ledger sian da xde skang...mlm lak lelepak mkn ngn achik.blik td tgok cte komedi romantik kat tv2..tjuknye fever pitch..;p drew barrymore act..best2!...